This is from the Presentation Zen site.  Not all are particularly relevant to our situation but they are all worth considering.

Here are a few of my favourite bits.

Don’t waste time at the beginning with formalities or filler talk. Start with a bang. Get their attention and then sustain that interest with variety and unexpectedness, built upon structure that is taking them some place.

What is your key message? What is it you REALLY want people to remember? What action do you want them to take?

Put the Audience first. The message or the lesson must be accessible and useful for your particular audience.

Cutting the superfluous is one of the hardest things to do because when we are close to the topic, as most presenters are, it *all* seems important. It may be true that it’s all important, but when you have only ten minutes or an hour, you have to make hard choices of inclusion and exclusion.

Go here to read the whole 10 (plus one bonus)