My teaching side is battling with my geek side over this.

Is this a reflection of advancements in Artificial Intelligence or the inadequacies of our production line assessment processes.

“can a machine that cannot draw out meaning, and cares nothing for creativity or truth, really match the work of a human reader.

In the quantitative sense: yes, according to a study released Wednesday by researchers at the University of Akron.”


“The Akron education dean acknowledges that AES software has not yet been able to replicate human intuition when it comes to identifying creativity. But while fostering original, nuanced expression is a good goal for a creative writing instructor, many instructors might settle for an easier way to make sure their students know how to write direct, effective sentences and paragraphs.

“If you go to a business school or an engineering school, they’re not looking for creative writers,” Shermis says. “They’re looking for people who can communicate ideas. And that’s what the technology is best at” evaluating.”