Educause have produced this article Top 10 IT Issues, 2022: The Higher Education We Deserve. It’s a reflection on the enforced changes caused by Covid and the ongoing impact those changes will have on university teaching. A lot of articles have been written over the last 12 months about the post Covid future but if you’re only going to read one this is probably it.

For what it’s worth here are my thoughts on the topic.

In many universities the pandemic just accelerated existing plans. I think a major change was the shift in digital competence and the acceptance of digital teaching tools by teachers (willing or otherwise). I think we have probably leapfrogged 8 years of change management programs and professional development training.

There is certainly more pressure around the balance of brick and mortar vs digital off campus teaching and support. The article doesn’t mention a major Australian concern which is the potential impact on international student enrollment if the campus experience changes.

A large area not specifically touched is the potential effect on the brand value of individual universities given the increasing number of courses that rely on essentially the same couseware from the likes of Pearson or Harvard cases.

Overall there is nothing particularity new for those of us involved in learning support and training during the pandemic but it does provide food for thought.