I found this on Ars Technica. “At a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Seattle earlier this month, Anderson described how he figured out how to focus sound-wave energy precisely enough to knock over a single Lego minifig without disturbing other...
Janelle Shane at aiwierdness.com “built an advent calendar by using GPT-3 to generate descriptions and Pixray to illustrate them.” This just a bit of Xmas oddness from someone with too much time on their hands. Check out the bonus post of images that...
Ok, there is nothing high brow or particularly clever about this, but these dogs do look like celebrities and it’s weirdly compelling. See the full roster on Joaquim Campa’s threadreader.
Naomi Kritzer of Will Tell Stories for Food blog has been posting an annual list of Gifts for People you Hate (guide to passive-aggressive gifting) for over a decade. Perhaps you weren’t considering a hoodie with a laser eyed T-Rex being ridden by a sloth, maybe...
In the 90’s if you wanted to create a free website you went to Geocities. It launched in 1994 and closed in 2009. At it’s peak it had over 38 million sites and claimed to be the third most visited site on the web. It was a simpler time when more was never...
I found this on cracked. It applies to more to the Boomer and Gen X audience (who didn’t grow up with the internet) but there’s something in there for everyone. I for one am very pleased that I don’t eat eight spiders a year in my...