Authors John Scalzi and Seanan McGuire (both recent HUGO winners) provide some advice on the use of the “@” in twitter.

At Unbearable At-ness of “@”

“@”-ing someone’s Twitter name explicitly means that your comment will show up in their reply feed — i.e., that you’re directly letting them know you are discussing them. The basic gist of Seanan’s piece, as I understand it, is that “@”-ing someone is the same as inviting them to participate in the conversation; if you didn’t want to have them in the conversation, you shouldn’t have issued the invitation.”

“(I feel the same way when people title a blog post “An Open Letter to [Insert Name]” and then get huffy when [Insert Name] shows up or otherwise responds. Dude, what did you expect? You posted an open letter to them. Surely you understand that an open letter to some person is actually still a letter to that person? You don’t? Well, surprise! File that one under “words have actual meanings.”)”

Seanan’s original post is here

If all this is sounds like ‘voodoo’ and you’d like to know more about this Twitter business Mashable has a good beginners guide.